From the writing and graphic design to software development and marketing social media ... numerous creative work based on the application of virtual world of your own is bring the salary level that when a staff normally not dare to dream.
See seven face typical success thanks to the Internet to share they know how, you can learn how and the difficulties they had to overcome.
1. Become blogger:
According to a Wall Street Journal, 1.7 million Americans were blogging to make money and 452,000 of them take it as the main source of income.
2. Website Design:
The blogger often need help to regularly change the look and now the website on their own. This is where web designers such as freedom of Liz Andrade cmd + SHIFT Design have the opportunity to make money easily. As many tasks related to other websites, once you have the skills in hand, the cost to rent the office will be at a minimum. "If I have a laptop and Internet connection, I will make money," Andrade said.
3. Marketing as social media:
According to the report of the project Pew Internet and American Life Project, 1 in 10 adult Americans are now using social networking micro-blogging format like twitter to update friends and colleagues based on their line status, mood and the news of new personal. It's no surprise, the professional advertising and marketing as Lisa Hanock-Jasie began promoting the development of their customers on the media page society. "It has become a virtual work exists today, and most of all contact with customers through web, it is like Web chat, e-mail, or IM, chat phone," an advertiser for independence. Advantages: job search online is easier than ever. Also Nhược points: the single. To defeat it, Hanock-Jasie regularly with several groups in professional colleagues on LinkedIn.
4. Founder of the community site:
Also the report of the project Pew Internet and American Life Project, most Americans under age 70 are using the Internet, will not get anything surprising when community sites appear more like grass. However, for the site of a community much more complicated to start a job freedom, Lara Eve Feltin, a Biznik co-founder in 2005 with husband, brother Dan McComb, a community site Award winning each for the individual as free trade, the CEO and business owner operating on a small scale.
5. Owned sites e-commerce
Most people do handicrafts with understanding and artists of all kinds are selling their goods online. As Maggie Kleinpeter and Michael Pittard shops opened their online in 2001.
6. Professional design applications social media:
On May 3 2009, page blog TechCrunch.com running title "Some design professionals Facebook India earn about 700,000 dollars per month." While professional web design Jesse Stay has earned great interest the account will continue to Jesse increase reputation for SocialToo, a set of tools and social media online that Jesse built. SocialToo has brought 80% of income for Jesse (the rest is due to the consultant)
7. Business information on-line:
Erin Blaskie, an expert on network marketing, people earn money with the number 6 when only 23 years old is one of the people involved in this field. Erin began this job by themselves since 2004 as a virtual assistant, Erin now create and sell programs online training for business people want to promote themselves online.