Services and social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and countless other sites, have profoundly affected millions of Americans, especially those aged under 35 to interact with others and shopping . That is the lifestyle of real-time is affecting the purchasing of products, how to evaluate brand and spend time. This lifestyle is increasingly strengthened by the popularity of mobile and smart netbook.
Marketers have recognized this. Social networking services increasingly become the business tool indispensable, according to market research firm Forrester Research. Forrester Research survey of the 1217 business decision makers around the globe last year showed a 95% use social networking to attract customers. And up to 53% of more than 300 marketing company expects to increase investment in marketing on social networks this year, according to research by Forrester announced in April 2009.
Some large companies, including Ford, Levi Strauss and Chevron, is changing the marketing activities directed to use the tools to attract customers, promote products and customer support. Company fashion Levi's 150 years of age last month opened the marketing campaign on Facebook and Twitter, along with traditional marketing programs to polish their brand of elite young.
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Social networks where connectivity is becoming very prevalent individuals. Number of Americans over age 18 use social networking service has increased more than 4 times to 35% in 2008 compared to the 8% in 2005, the research project the impact of the Internet to the American Pew Center's ( Pew Internet & American Life Project).
"It's the kind of time to kill modern, Kaitlin Villanova, 26, expert on social networking in Brooklyn said. "I use social networks to communicate, comparison shopping, banking and everything."
Facebook has now increased to 250 million users, of which about 50 million new people to participate in three months. In April, members of the target 13.9 billion minutes on Facebook, up 700% compared with April 2008, according to analyst firm Nielsen.
More than 300,000 businesses, 30% of them are small businesses, the presence on Facebook. Members aged 35 and over - age have the strongest purchasing power - are also up strongly on Facebook. Previously, Facebook only about primary school students.