There are three representatives from the key factors in the success of any website does. Firmly grasp the importance of this 3, that is you have achieved half the way to success on the Internet ....
1. Free.
Key factors in the whole Internet world is just a simple "Free". This is to know from you if you want business success on the Internet. The easiest way to attract people to the website is to provide some free services any time. May be news, data, notice, or a free program free search.
Although the technology offers many different tips on how to attract web access, but the real secret attraction visited only in one ... free. You should give some attractive gadgets related to market goals and provides free on the website. This is the "hook" secret full effect you put on the website continuously 24h a day and 7 days a week.
Here are some "hook" has been used successfully to attract traffic and enable customers back on the website notice, e-books, every page brings together links by topic, ads, Real Audio or Real Video, Newsletter, Discussion Group, post cards and the search, of course all free of charge. Utilities free best that you should provide most of the market is a free information towards your product. For instance, messages offering free 11 secrets of attraction access, if you sell a research report on the attraction visited on the Internet. Or give instructions on prevention includes not only furniture in the house if you offered the training pets.
If you create a free newsletter to relevant products, you can use the system to automatically connect and create a system to connect automatically send the letter offered to those who have posted IM up for free. You should set free newsletter in a way more feedback, after receiving information the first system to respond automatically. Then, you need to set up the system automatically sent the letter offering to follow a customer to subscribe to free newsletter. The letter will be programmed to perform a full sales process.
Free newsletter with the reply automatically is a good start for the search of potential customers. The sales letter is more connected important to make auto sales on the website.
2. Product key.
The key to success of any business website is to have a product is considered to be the leading product. You do not need to emphasize on all products for each new customer. There are too many choices, customers will be embarrassing. Introduce them an option that you always emphasize on the entire Web. A specialist e-commerce tested both methods to focus on a product and introduce a series of products as a catalog. As a result approaches 1 selling product doubling approach style catalog. Too much product will cause to customers, and also lead to the situation they can not decide to choose the product should last not buy anything. Although a few large companies can succeed by access type catalog, but for companies small and generally how this is quite difficult.
You should use other products such as the auxiliary to diversify sources of revenue.
3. Support.
However, the revenue from product support is not small. Currently, the principle of sales support often most companies ignored by many people not recognize the real strength of this field.
If you develop a product support good cause many customers to buy back to find on the website may be considered as you have a money machine regularly