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Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 4, 2009

Search smarter with twitter

It's easy to lose your information on twitter, a service social network allows users to exchange short messages. Because we all can not spend hours before a service is, do not want to miss the loss of important messages (or tweet) of the post have colleagues, relatives and your family while you go the distance. As the list of people you play on twitter increasing problem should become a more critical gắt: hundreds of messages sent and before you have the opportunity to see them.
Here are some tips for using search engine twitter, including the time to the tweet that you eyehole, find the tweet that you want to read again.

1. Tips on keywords.
Once you to search twitter, click the link Advanced search "advanced search" appears just below to search the bar. Data entry box first in the advanced search is "Words." Here you will find many different options for the search term you need.
For example, if it iPhone 3.0 bar to search "All of These Words", it will return results where someone has not just tweet "iPhone 3.0" but all the information referring to the software upgrade it. Can say that it provides you a lot options in searching for information about version 3.0 of iPhone and even 3.0 "iPhone" does not appear next to each other. If you only want the term that is directly next to it you like them, use the search bar to "exact phrase".
You can also search within a "hashtag. Community twitter initial use Hashtag (#) front the term used frequently to classify them for search and filtering. Therefore when talking about an iPod, people can also reference "# Apple. If you are looking for specific information about a company that has happened recently or what is being said about products of the company that the hashtag would be very useful.
Tweet search not only in English but the search engine of its CSO a menu option other languages, from Arabic to Thailand, but no English.
Tip: To skip the advanced search?
If you want to ignore the option to use advanced search "advanced search", but search type keyword specific, here are a few shortcuts (they do not like the Google search is performed).
Reviews: giants game. Twitter will search all the tweet contains the word "giants" and "game" in them.
Reviews: "Giants game." Will twitter search term "giants game."
Reviews: OR giants game. Twitter will search any tweet with "giants" or "game" appears in it.
Reviews: Giants-New York. Twitter will search any tweet with the term "giants" that no reference to New York.

2. Skills Search users
Twitter also allows you to search the time to tweet from your favorites. On tweet, a username of someone on the service will appear with the @ sign it front. This will be more effective for finding who is using twitter instead of using their real name (though it sometimes two items that are useful as different).
Search option users of twitter allows you to search the tweet from someone, to someone, or refer to someone such. When using the search bar to feature in Advanced search, you will not need to put @ sign front of each name.
Tweet to someone that if someone has mentioned the name of that person as from the first in their messages. A reference "reference" means the name can appear anywhere in the tweet.
Tips on finding people
Here are some tips if you want the functionality similar features from the search bar in search of twitter.
Mark: @ lancearmstrong. Twitter search will tweet with reference to Lance Armstrong.
Reviews: from: lancearmstrong. Twitter search will tweet from Lance Armstrong.
Reviews: to: lancearmstrong. Twitter search will all tweet directly at LanceArmstrong (messages named him in front of the tweet).

3. Search locations
Number of users of twitter in the global and so sometimes it is useful to know who tweet a topic in any geographical area by them. You can on a location, such as "Boston" and then search to nghan miles away from or near to every one. This information is casting from the geographic information that people provide in their profile twitter.

Search Tips
You want to see what is happening from twitter users in the region or not?
Reviews: "giants game" near "San Francisco." Twitter search will be those who are in the San Francisco Giants game on the tweet.
Top: Near: Boston within 10 miles. Twitter search will all tweet be implemented within 10 miles.

4. Use the search on
This feature is particularly important in the twitter community because people post too many messages short. Know want to read a Tweet sent today can help you narrow the search to be so by learning to search the entire month trời messages. When you click the date bar bar, a menu will appear to you to date want to search messages.

5. The link to share search
However, twitter is not a bookmark service with the society, but to share the link is one of the most popular. People share links to articles, new products or website, and they "retweet" links (which means that they share with those that follow).
This feature is useful if you remember is a friend's twitter is sharing a link to a previous date. If you forget to bookmark it, you can twitter and name into the search user, the term in the keyword search box and check the link to where you want to go back to where it is tweet link to. Add search date mentioned before (if you remember), then you will improve the ability of searching for them.

6. Use the search points in
One of the interesting features that most people perform search twitter can make their search is the "attitudes" (opinion). You can search for tweet appear point positive or negative. This is one of the features useful to consider evaluating the product.
Therefore if you type iPhone to the search field and the tweet to "negative in tone (negative trend), then you will see a tweet that's the type as" application iPhone New York Times pumpkin break many times when I try to open an article. "

Tip: If you want to check the views without visit advanced search, you can simply set:) or: (the search terms. For example, the iPhone evaluate positive, you need it: iPhone
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